Friday, August 27, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

So its been hella crazy at our house since last time I blogged. Ciara started school on Monday, and she absolutely loves her teacher Mrs. Wariner. Alli had her kindergarten testing on Monday also, and she did great. The only problem is that she needs to work on her rhyming, she said that frog rhymes with boy. Also whenever she sees the number 10, she says that its 20. I laughed when I heard her say those things, then she yelled at me in front of her teacher saying its not funny :) She kept telling her teacher that she already knows that she is going to be the smartest kid in her class, it way way cute. My baby is starting school this Monday. I think I'm gonna cry :(

Yesterday Ciara went to her orthodontist to start the process of getting an expander put in her mouth to make it bigger. She was way excited about it until I picked her up from school, then she started to get nervous. She got 2 spacer put in, and it was quite a nightmare to let them put them least for me it was. Ciara started crying because she said that when they did a mold of her mouth it felt like they were ripping out her teeth because it was sticking. So for 10-15 minutes she refused to open her mouth for them so they could put the spacers in, all while screaming bloody murder. I was starting to get angry at her because she has to have it done and I already paid for it, and I was embarrassed at the same time because she was the only one crying in the office, and the office was packed. You might think I am a bad mother for feeling that way, but that's honestly how I felt. I know that she was scared, and I understand that it might hurt, but Ciara is overly dramatic. I thinks that's why I felt like that. Oh well, next week we have to do it all over again....and she has to get 4 cavities filled. It's going to be a fun couple days :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

I think I'm a timboy

So while we we driving the other day this is the conversation that Ciara and I had.

Ciara: "Mom, I think I'm a timboy"
Me: "A what?"
Ciara: " You know a girls that acts like a boy"
Me: "Oh a tomboy?"
Ciara: "Yeah that's what its called"
Me: "I don't think that you are a tomboy at all because you are too girly"
Ciara: "Oh I guess you're right"

Hahaha it was way cute. I think its even funnier that I had to convince her that her being a diva and being too girly is far from being a girl that acts like a boy :)

Where did the time go

Well Summer is almost over, where did it go?? It seems like school just got out. I get to register the girls for school on Wednesday, fun stuff. I still can't believe that Alli is starting kindergarten and that Ciara will be in 3rd grade. Both the girls can't wait to start school, I guess that's a good thing :) I start school again on the 25th and I'm taking online classes so I could be at home more, I just hope that I can keep on top of it.

Last week was kinda busy for us, surprise surprise. Alli went on another casting call and did rather well. She didn't get mad this time because I brought snacks for her to eat on the way. But sadly she didn't get the part :( Oh well there will be more. Ciara got a really bad case of swimmers ear. For the first couple nights she couldn't sleep because the pain was so bad. She has been on medicated ear drops for the past 5 days and today is the first day that her ear really hasn't hurt! I just hope that it will last because I don't know how many more sleepless nights I can take. I'm not the best person to be around when I haven't gotten enough sleep, what can I say, I just love to get my sleep in :)

The girls are both doing good in gymnastics. Alli just passed off her chin-up pull over on the bars, her L hang on the bars, and her cartwheel! Ciara couldn't do a chin up pull over until she was in level 2, so Alli was way excited! Ciara is still working hard on her gymnastics. The things that she has to learn are very hard, but she doesn't give up. She is such a trooper! The part that she really doesn't like are the stretches that she has to do. Every time she does them she starts to cry because they are so intense.

I know that my blog looks pretty bare, so I will try to post pics soon. Like I said before, just bare with me until then :)