Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snow Sucks!

I just wanted to make everyone aware that I really HATE driving in the snow! I mean a little bit of snow on the roads are alright, but when the snow is sticking to the roads way bad and its snowing like crazy it's horrible! I just had some experiences that just makes my hatred for snow so much worse.

So I was on my way to pick up the girls, and I have to go up 94th South past 13th East and up that hill. Well everything was going alright, besides a little sliding here and there, and then I turn the corner to go up the hill and the traffic is backed up. I kept a good distance from the car in front of me so I didn't have to stop. Well I ran out of room so I had to stop. And what do you think happened??? I got stuck on ice covered by snow :( I tried backing up, turning, everything I could think of I tried. I was holding up traffic and I started to have a panic attack. After about 15 minutes of have my hazard lights on, and no one helping me,a nice guy flipped around and pulled my car up the hill. I was so thankful for his help. So then I turn on 20th East and there is another hill, but not that bad, I got stuck on that! It wasn't that bad, and I got up the hill. Right after the light, there was an accident. I sat there for what seemed like forever, so then comes another panic attack :( Finally it got cleared up and guess what it was...3 buses (UTA buses, not school buses) and 2 cars slid or something and they got wrecked. I finally got to my ex-in-laws house where the girls are and I find out that Ciara changed her mind and wanted to sleep over with Allison. (Both girls were going to spend the night, but Ciara called me at work and said that she wanted to come home.) So I went through hell just to get to her and then she changes her mind...go figure. Oh well that's life.(I wasn't that upset when she changed her mind again)

So on my way home I took a different route to avoid going down the hills. All was going we, besides the occasional slide.I get to State Street and 90th where I need to turn. Well lets just say good thing I had the right of way because right when I put on my brakes, once again I slid. It wasn't a small slide, I slide all the way across all of the lanes! I hate driving in the snow!

Ok so some of you might say 'well maybe it's your tires.' Well of you that say that are WRONG! I just got new tires so thats not the problem. I really think that the snow plows should plow BOTH sides of the street, not jsut one. That was the problem on 90th. Only the east side was plowed, not the west side.


So Christmas came way too fast this year. This year I put all my presents on layaway so I wouldn't be scrambling at the last minute to buy gifts. I have to admit, it went way smooth and I liked it :) When Christmas Day was here, it just didn't feel like Christmas. Maybe it was because we opened our gifts on Christmas Eve because my Dad had to work Christmas Day, or maybe because it came too fast. Whatever the reason is, the day just felt off. The girls enjoyed all of their presents and it was fun watching them open the gifts and get all excited about it. Both girls liked the presents that Santa brought them, but they weren't their favorites. Ciara's fave gift was all the My Littlest Pet shop stuff that her Grandma Rita gave her. Allison's fave was a Justin Bieber shirt that Grandma Rita gave her....go figure. If Santa would have known that she really wanted Justin Bieber stuff then he wouldn't have spent all that money on her present :) Once again the girls got WAY too much stuff from their grandparents and now my house feel cluttered. I hate that feeling! I finally got all the empty boxes out of my house so I feel better about that part. Now I just need to find room to put all of their clothes and toys. I think I just might have to buy another dresser just so all of their clothes aren't all over the place. That's just another thing to add to my list of things to do.

Next week I start yet another semester of school...yay for me! I really not looking forward to my classes, they seem and look very hard. I'm taking a business statistics class and business calculus class these are the ones I'm scared of. I've never taken a calculus or statistics class...I think that's why I'm scared because I think that it's gonna be way hard. I was talking to my Mom about it the other day and she said that since I've taken a graduate level class before (I took it because my council said I should but I wasn't in grad school yet) and got an A in it then I should be fine. That is true but I guess I'm just scared of the unknown and I don't want to get any grade below a B. Oh the joys of school. I hope I'm just worried over nothing.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Don't Touch the Elves!!!

So there is a Christmas tree lot right by our house, we pass it a few times a day. They always have reindeer and Santa, you can see him in his sleigh when we pass. The other night, it was the first time that Santa was out walking around, and Alli gets all excited and asked if we could stop. I said no because it was past their bedtime and that maybe I will take them to the mall to see him tomorrow. Alli then says "How can Santa be with his reindeer and the trees at the same time he's at the mall?" I then proceeded to tell her that Santa has helpers that help him whenever he needs it. The next thing she said surprised me, but it really shouldn't have, well because its Alli I'm talking about.....Alli said " I don't think so mom, the only helpers that Santa has are the elves, and you can't touch them because then they will loose their magic. If they loose their magic then they can't help Santa anymore and they can't go back to their homes in the North Pole because all their magic has gone away." So what's the moral of this story?!? Don't touch the elves whatever you do, because if you do, they can't go back home :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Justin Beaver

So Alli likes Justin Bieber, what can I do? I just think that it's kinda funny that whenever she says that she likes him, I just say "well good for you, I don't like him at all." Then she goes "I don't like him either." She is so eager to change what she likes just because I don't like something. I guess it doesn't help when Ciara teases her over it. Anyways I did say that she can like whatever she wants and that sometimes I won't like the same thing as her. That's the good thing I told her. She then changed her mind yet again to liking Justin Bieber. The one thing that I did that is kinda bad is....I convinced her that his last name is Beaver,is that so wrong? So now she says that she loves Justin Beaver hahahaha :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Ok so I have to admit, I love going to concerts! I think they are so much fun :)
Last Thursday I got to go to the All Time Low concert, it was awesome!! I also have a great stories that goes along with it. It's kinda funny now, but it wasn't at the time. So first off people started to crowd surf, nothing wrong with that, but you have to be paying attention. So of course, I was facing front and then all of a sudden I get hit in the back of my head, way hard. I then realized that a guy started to crowd surf behind us and his head hit the back of mine so hard that I fell to the ground. I think this next story takes the cake...when the bands are finished playing they throw out their guitar picks and drumsticks out into the crowd, well once again I wasn't paying attenion and I took a drumstick right to my head! Barbie (my ex sister in law, but I don't refer to her as that, I love you Barbie!) grabbed it after it bounced off my head and was so excited that she got it, she didn't even know that it hit me until I told her. I got a big goose egg and a ginormous bruise. THe bruise started at my eyebrow and went all the way to my hair line. I wanted to hide it with make up, but it was too tender :( A week later I still kinda have a bruise and I mark where it hit and it's still way tender. Here is a pic, it's not that good, but you get the idea :)

So if that concert wasn't enough, I went to another one last night :) This one was for Hey Monday. This one wasn't as crazy as the last one, but it was a little crazy. Let's just say that it wasn't the best concert I went to. I really didn't care for the opening bands except for The Redy Set, they were good. So I really don't get why people shove and push their way to the front. If they want good seats they should show up earlier. I got shoved so much that I fell down multiple times over these stupid benches that the have at The Avalon. I think the must anoynning person there was an old guy. I would have to say he was in his late 30's maybe even 40's. Yes, I still think that's old and I'm in my late 20's. I got bruises on my back and arms from this dude. Here is one of them, I used my finger as a guide so you get an idea. Once again, the pic just dosen't do it justice.

So after everything I've been through in the past week with concerts, do you think I will stop going to them....of cource not! I think that everyone should go to them! I can't wait until the next time :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What is that?!?

So yesterday when I went to pick up the girls, Alli came into the room and I saw this:

I asked her what happened, and I never thought I would hear this "I decided to bite myself." That's right, Alli decided to bite herself several times kinda in the same spot, and now it is bruised. I asked her why she did it and all she can say is "I don't know, I was bored." What?!? did I just hear that right, my daughter bites her self when she is bored? Apparently so.
Yesterday it looked so much worse, it was all red and puffy. Today, it's still noticeable but not red like it was. I told her not to bite herself anymore because people will start to think that someone else (like me) is abusing her. To my surprise she says "well you do bite me" then I had to explain that there is a difference between play biting and real biting.
I never thought in my life I would have to tell one of my kids not to bite themselves....go figure :)

The Kane Files Trailer

Here's another clip form The Kane Files, tell me what you guys think! If it gets into theatres, would you go see it?

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Well, its Saturday October 30th so what does that mean?? It means that all of Utah is celebrating Halloween because this year it falls on a Sunday. The girls decided that they wanted to be minions. My Mom thought it would be a good idea, and so without even seeing the movie "Despicable Me" the girls thought it was a good idea too. It was a very easy costume to come up with, and to make things even better, my Mom bought all the stuff they needed. Thanks Mom!! I couldn't really tell them apart for a little while because they look so alike, see if you could tell the apart :)

If you guessed that Ciara is the one in the first pic and Alli in the second pic, well then that would make you right, and a little better than me :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Kane Files: A Life of Trial

Check out this trailer, its for the movie Alli was in!


The girls had a gymnastics meet/recital today, and they did really well! I'm so proud of them! They are really coming along, especially Ciara! Gymnastics comes naturally to her and makes it look easy. When she does it she looks so graceful, I just can't believe it! Enjoy the pics!

Alli on the bars

Ciara on the bars

Alli on the beam

Ciara on the beam

Alli doing the vault

Ciara doing the vault

Alli on the floor

Ciara on the floor

The girls getting their medals and the end result

Friday, October 22, 2010

Allison is a C.E.O.!

Allison got a C.E.O. award at school today! C.E.O. stands for Chief Example to Others, she got this award because her teacher says that she is an all around excellent student. She always does her work, she listens, and she is very kind to everyone in her class. When she walked into the room, she was holding another girls hand that is in her class that was getting an award too. The other girl was really scared and Allison was telling her it was OK, it was way cute!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Alli just might die

So yesterday, my Mom had to go to Prague for work for about 3 weeks. Anyone who knows Alli, knows that she just adores my Mom and talks to her multiple times a day. While she is in Prague, she really can't talk on the phone because the rates are insane. I think that Allison might go into shock from not being able to see or talk to her for awhile. Allison has always followed her around and is basically joined to her hip whenever she is with her. Yesterday right before she got on her flight in New York, Alli had a very important question that she had to ask Grandma. After begging me for what seemed like forever, and the fact that I didn't want Alli to have me on her bad list, I let her call. Allison's very important question was 'Grandma, did you remember to bring nail clippers? Because you know that your nails are going to grow and so you will need to cut them.' I laughed so hard because she was freaking out about how she really had to talk to my Mom to ask her that question :) Once she was off the phone, much to my dismay, I was on her bad list because I laughed at her. Oh well, another day on Alli's bad list. I think that makes a total 1,460 days. That's everyday since she was 1.....ever since she could talk :)

My Ciara

The following is my beautiful Ciara, she is such a treat! She had WAY too much fun doing this :)

My Pretty Ciara

Ciara looking out of a window

The wind blowing through her hair

I love this pic of her

Look at that beautiful smile :)

Another pretty smile form my pretty little lady

Ciara trying to be serious

Isn't she cute?!

Another one of my fave of hers

My Allison

So on Saturday I decided to have a little photo shoot with the girls, here are some of the pics pf Alli. Enjoy!

My Alli

I would like you to meet Alli no hands :)

This one is my fave of her

Allison messing around

Alli Baba

Silly Allison

This is her 'I'm tired of taking pictures look' while rolling her eyes

Friday, August 27, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

So its been hella crazy at our house since last time I blogged. Ciara started school on Monday, and she absolutely loves her teacher Mrs. Wariner. Alli had her kindergarten testing on Monday also, and she did great. The only problem is that she needs to work on her rhyming, she said that frog rhymes with boy. Also whenever she sees the number 10, she says that its 20. I laughed when I heard her say those things, then she yelled at me in front of her teacher saying its not funny :) She kept telling her teacher that she already knows that she is going to be the smartest kid in her class, it way way cute. My baby is starting school this Monday. I think I'm gonna cry :(

Yesterday Ciara went to her orthodontist to start the process of getting an expander put in her mouth to make it bigger. She was way excited about it until I picked her up from school, then she started to get nervous. She got 2 spacer put in, and it was quite a nightmare to let them put them least for me it was. Ciara started crying because she said that when they did a mold of her mouth it felt like they were ripping out her teeth because it was sticking. So for 10-15 minutes she refused to open her mouth for them so they could put the spacers in, all while screaming bloody murder. I was starting to get angry at her because she has to have it done and I already paid for it, and I was embarrassed at the same time because she was the only one crying in the office, and the office was packed. You might think I am a bad mother for feeling that way, but that's honestly how I felt. I know that she was scared, and I understand that it might hurt, but Ciara is overly dramatic. I thinks that's why I felt like that. Oh well, next week we have to do it all over again....and she has to get 4 cavities filled. It's going to be a fun couple days :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

I think I'm a timboy

So while we we driving the other day this is the conversation that Ciara and I had.

Ciara: "Mom, I think I'm a timboy"
Me: "A what?"
Ciara: " You know a girls that acts like a boy"
Me: "Oh a tomboy?"
Ciara: "Yeah that's what its called"
Me: "I don't think that you are a tomboy at all because you are too girly"
Ciara: "Oh I guess you're right"

Hahaha it was way cute. I think its even funnier that I had to convince her that her being a diva and being too girly is far from being a girl that acts like a boy :)

Where did the time go

Well Summer is almost over, where did it go?? It seems like school just got out. I get to register the girls for school on Wednesday, fun stuff. I still can't believe that Alli is starting kindergarten and that Ciara will be in 3rd grade. Both the girls can't wait to start school, I guess that's a good thing :) I start school again on the 25th and I'm taking online classes so I could be at home more, I just hope that I can keep on top of it.

Last week was kinda busy for us, surprise surprise. Alli went on another casting call and did rather well. She didn't get mad this time because I brought snacks for her to eat on the way. But sadly she didn't get the part :( Oh well there will be more. Ciara got a really bad case of swimmers ear. For the first couple nights she couldn't sleep because the pain was so bad. She has been on medicated ear drops for the past 5 days and today is the first day that her ear really hasn't hurt! I just hope that it will last because I don't know how many more sleepless nights I can take. I'm not the best person to be around when I haven't gotten enough sleep, what can I say, I just love to get my sleep in :)

The girls are both doing good in gymnastics. Alli just passed off her chin-up pull over on the bars, her L hang on the bars, and her cartwheel! Ciara couldn't do a chin up pull over until she was in level 2, so Alli was way excited! Ciara is still working hard on her gymnastics. The things that she has to learn are very hard, but she doesn't give up. She is such a trooper! The part that she really doesn't like are the stretches that she has to do. Every time she does them she starts to cry because they are so intense.

I know that my blog looks pretty bare, so I will try to post pics soon. Like I said before, just bare with me until then :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Alli's Birthday

So Sunday was Alli's 5th birthday and I just thought I would share a little story. Alli has wanted a Nintendo DS for at least a year now, and she asked for it for her birthday again. When I put all her presents on the table Saturday she got way excited and said that she knew what one of her presents is. I asked her what she thought she got and she said it's a DS. Sunday morning came and when we went to church she was telling everybody that she saw that she got a DS for her birthday. Finally I asked her what would happen if she didn't get a DS and she said that she would be very mad. After church I let her open her presents, but the one that she thought was a DS I made her open it last :) So she opened up all of her presents and then told me that she was ready to open her last present. She got way excited while she was opening it and it was.........Barbie clothes!!! She got so upset. I told her that I think she is still a little too young for a DS, and right when I said that she was too young, she put her hand over my mouth and told me not to talk anymore! I couldn't believe it, but that's my Alli! Oh well, there's always next year :)

Monday, July 26, 2010


Hello blogging world!!!! So I have decided to start a blog about my life and my girls. We live a crazy, but fun life :) I am a single mom to 2 beautiful girls, Ciara (8) and Allison (5). I work full time, and I also go to school full time. I am looking to get a degree in business. Ciara is starting 3rd grade next month and Alli will start kindergarten next moth too! Boy, time sure does fly by fast! Both girls are doing great in their gymnastics class. I have to say that Ciara is a natural when it comes to it, she has moved up 2 levels in less than a year! I am way proud of her. Alli has had more castings to go to, but lately hasn't been in a good mood when we get there so she hasn't received any more offers since she did a movie last year. "The Kane Files" should be coming out later this year, it is still in post production. We all can't wait for it to come out!