Sunday, November 14, 2010


Ok so I have to admit, I love going to concerts! I think they are so much fun :)
Last Thursday I got to go to the All Time Low concert, it was awesome!! I also have a great stories that goes along with it. It's kinda funny now, but it wasn't at the time. So first off people started to crowd surf, nothing wrong with that, but you have to be paying attention. So of course, I was facing front and then all of a sudden I get hit in the back of my head, way hard. I then realized that a guy started to crowd surf behind us and his head hit the back of mine so hard that I fell to the ground. I think this next story takes the cake...when the bands are finished playing they throw out their guitar picks and drumsticks out into the crowd, well once again I wasn't paying attenion and I took a drumstick right to my head! Barbie (my ex sister in law, but I don't refer to her as that, I love you Barbie!) grabbed it after it bounced off my head and was so excited that she got it, she didn't even know that it hit me until I told her. I got a big goose egg and a ginormous bruise. THe bruise started at my eyebrow and went all the way to my hair line. I wanted to hide it with make up, but it was too tender :( A week later I still kinda have a bruise and I mark where it hit and it's still way tender. Here is a pic, it's not that good, but you get the idea :)

So if that concert wasn't enough, I went to another one last night :) This one was for Hey Monday. This one wasn't as crazy as the last one, but it was a little crazy. Let's just say that it wasn't the best concert I went to. I really didn't care for the opening bands except for The Redy Set, they were good. So I really don't get why people shove and push their way to the front. If they want good seats they should show up earlier. I got shoved so much that I fell down multiple times over these stupid benches that the have at The Avalon. I think the must anoynning person there was an old guy. I would have to say he was in his late 30's maybe even 40's. Yes, I still think that's old and I'm in my late 20's. I got bruises on my back and arms from this dude. Here is one of them, I used my finger as a guide so you get an idea. Once again, the pic just dosen't do it justice.

So after everything I've been through in the past week with concerts, do you think I will stop going to them....of cource not! I think that everyone should go to them! I can't wait until the next time :)

1 comment:

  1. You and all your bruises!!! Sad!!!!!
    And your right! The picture of the one on your leg doesnt do it justice!!!!
