Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Don't Touch the Elves!!!

So there is a Christmas tree lot right by our house, we pass it a few times a day. They always have reindeer and Santa, you can see him in his sleigh when we pass. The other night, it was the first time that Santa was out walking around, and Alli gets all excited and asked if we could stop. I said no because it was past their bedtime and that maybe I will take them to the mall to see him tomorrow. Alli then says "How can Santa be with his reindeer and the trees at the same time he's at the mall?" I then proceeded to tell her that Santa has helpers that help him whenever he needs it. The next thing she said surprised me, but it really shouldn't have, well because its Alli I'm talking about.....Alli said " I don't think so mom, the only helpers that Santa has are the elves, and you can't touch them because then they will loose their magic. If they loose their magic then they can't help Santa anymore and they can't go back to their homes in the North Pole because all their magic has gone away." So what's the moral of this story?!? Don't touch the elves whatever you do, because if you do, they can't go back home :)

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