Sunday, April 17, 2011


So last Sunday I took the girls to the doctor because they had a really bad cough, runny nose and they just seemed off. Well that doctor said that they just had colds. I didn't agree, but I don't have a medical degree. Anyways that doctor said that they should sleep with extra pillows so that they can breathe better while they are asleep. Ciara was all for that, Allison not so much. Whenever I went to wake her up, she was about a foot away from the pillows. This is very common since Allison hates pillows, I don't know why but she has never really liked/used them. Thursday came and Allison was still sick and thing were getting worse. I took her to her doctor and she came to the conclusion that she has walking pneumonia. I knew that she just didn't have a stupid cold. We finally got her medicine (the z pack, which is awesome) and her doctor said that she still has to sleep with two pillows until her cough goes away. Lets just say that she still refuses to sleep on two pillows, much less one pillow. Allison was texting my mom (because she thinks that texting is so much 'funner' than just plain old talking) and she told my mom that she hates to sleep on pillows. My mom told her that she would feel better if she listened to what the doctor said and just sleep on two pillows. So she told my mom that she would sleep on two pillows. Now do you think for one second that Allison did that? Heck no she didn't! Once again she was a foot away from the pillows and she actually threw one of them off the bed. I asked her how it was sleeping on her pillows and she goes "I slept very well thank you" What?!? That's right, she's a little liar! I asked her if she was lying, and she said no with the BIGGEST, CHEESIEST, smile ever, and then starts to laugh after. So I just realized that I've been spending money on stupid pillows for her that never gets used. I don't know where she gets it from, but she just hates pillows.

1 comment:

  1. That is funny that she doesnt like pillows! Pillow are the best!! Have you ever tried those pillow pets? I wonder if that would make her excited to sleep with a fun pillow!!
