Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So I have been thinking a lot lately about how my girls are so different from each other. Even though they share the same bedroom and family, they are WAY different. So I'm going to share with you guys.
Ciara:Likes T-Swift and Top 40 music. HATES Justin Beaver (see previous post to get this if you don't already)
Allison: LOVES Justin Beaver, and alternative/punk music. Tolerates T-Swift because Ciara always has her playing on her ipod

Ciara: Loves to sing and write her own songs
Allison: Really doesn't like to sing

Ciara: Wants to be a Pop Star when she grows up
Allison: Wants to be a movie star when she grows up (already has 1 movie under her belt)

Ciara: Only wants/gives affection when she wants it
Allison: Always wants affection. She likes to be touchy feely (kinda gets on my nerves sometimes)

Ciara: Drama Queen
Allison: Will put up with anything until she gets mad at you, then watch out

Ciara: Goes with the flow
Allison: It's her way or the highway

Ciara: Follower
Allison: Bossy

Ciara: A natural at gymnastics
Allison: Goes to gymnastics just to play

Ciara: Small for her age (there is only a 4 pound difference between Ciara and Allison)
Allison: Average for her age

Ciara: Loves to go to church
Allison: Hates to go to church

Ciara: Loves to go on photo shoots with me :)
Allison: Only will do photo shoots if she gets paid :(

They both love the colors pink and purple

They both love to color

They both have blonde hair (I'm stretching on this one)

They both love to have their hair done

They are both girly girls

Love the same movies

Always has the other's back :)

Act like they are older than what they really are

They LOVE shoes

Even though my girls are completely different, I love them both oh so much!


  1. This is so cute! I hope I get to meet them sometime! :)

  2. It's interesting that Allison is the bossy one since she is the little sister!!!
    And I love that you have passed your love of shoes onto them!! What a good mom you are!!! =0)
